Full Stack Developer

Hello I'm
Laszlo Kis

A Result-Oriented Web Developer building dynamic, user-friendly web applications that leads to the success of the overall product

Coding image

About me

Here you will find more information about me, what I do, and my current skills mostly in terms of programming and technology


Combining my technical expertise in Engineering with a passion for web development, I am actively seeking opportunities within the web development sphere where I can leverage my skills in problem-solving and apply my knowledge to innovative projects. Proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and TypeScript, I have hands-on experience with various web frameworks, including React, Next.js, and more.

Tech stack




My personal portfolio project has built with Next.js, Typescript and TailwindCSS. Website is self-hosted on VPS with Nginx Proxy Manager and docker container. Plausible for analytics is also self-hosted in docker container. Cloudflare is used as DNS provider and for traffic protection.

Next.jsTypescriptTailwindCSSShadcnUIFramer motionReact Hook FormZodResendReact emailreCAPTCHA


A PDF AI SaaS full stack app has built with Next.js framework, Shadcn UI, OpenAI, LangChain, Stripe and more. The app allows users to upload any PDF document with size limit based on the subscription plan and search for specific information inside this document. Only authenticated users can use the platform. There are 2 options: Free plan with limited usage and Pro plan to give more features into the user.

Next.jsTypescriptTailwindCSSShadcnUITanStack QueryAuth.jsPrismaMongoDBOpenAILangchainPineconeUploadthingStripe
Food Ordering App

Food Ordering App

The app allows users to log in with previously registered credentials or with Google provider in order to order foods. After the checkout, stripe payment test mode let to test the payment process. New category and food can be add dynamically into the database with admin role. User profile can be updated. Filtering option is available for foods.

Next.jsTypescriptTailwindCSSShadcnUIReact Hook FormZodPrisma ORMMongoDBNext-AuthZustandStripeResend
Task Manager App

Task Manager App

A trello clone task manager app has built with React.js for frontend and Nest.js for backend. The app allows users to log in with previously registered credentials in order to create and manage tasks. After log in, users can add, update or remove workspaces and tasks. The task are stored in PostgreSQL database which provided by Neon.tech. User profile also can be updated.

ReactTypescriptMaterialUIReact Hook FormZodTanStack QueryNest.jsJWTPrisma ORMPostgreSQLVite
Next Blog App

Next Blog App

A basic blog app has built with Next.js framework. The app allows users to log in in order to write comments under any posts.

Next.jsTypescriptTailwindCSSReact Hook FormZodPrisma ORMMongoDBNext-AuthMarkdown
Stock Market App

Stock Market App

A stock market app has built with Alpha Vantage API. The app allows users to search for stock quotes and display their data in a new view.

Chat App

Chat App

A simple chat app has built based on Facebook messenger. User can use public or privat chat as well. For private chat, the user needs to add a friend into the room.

Photo Tagging App

Photo Tagging App

A photo tagging app has built based on the Where's Waldo? game.



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